How to make a yummy and well balanced yet easy to cook meal, just follow the easy cooking of Joan! Really, Joan makes cooking very easy~
Step 1: Buy the sausages.
Bratwurst sausages my parents bought for me because I can only eat pork because my wound. They bought 6 sausages, but obviously we won't be using that many.
Step 2: Open the packaging.
Erm, because we can't eat plastic bags? -_-" I just took this picture so that you can see the 6 thick and fat and juicy porky sausages.
Step 3: Pick out the number of sausages you want to use.
Two will be enough. Oh, this feeds two people, so don't you think that I ate all that myself. I know I'm a pig, but I'm not this indulgent.
Step 4: Wash them, slice them, dry them.
I wash them only because my mother makes me wash them, if cooking for myself I won't wash them, so geh gang. I sliced them circular this time because I had sliced them oval the last time, I have variations~ Drying them so that they won't spit.
Step 5: Grill them lightly in a little toaster oven.
Of course you can bake them or fry them or grill them, but to me toss them in the little multipurpose toaster oven is the easiest and fastest way to cook them thoroughly. haha~ Didn't I say that this is cooking made easy?
Step 6: Prepare the baking pan.
I always use aluminium foil over the baking pan because after that I don't have to wash the baking pan until so jialat. haha~ I'm lazy. Yup, butter it so the sides won't stick.
Step 7: Throw all the ingredients you want it.
I said it's a baked potato mix, but effectively you can bake whatever you want. My balanced diet just happens to consist of potatoes, tomatoes and sausages, one from each food group. I pan fried the sliced potatoes a bit first so I don't have to bake it for too long. I used cherry tomatoes, so I halved them first. And the sausages, the most important ingredient from the previous steps.
Step 8: Throw in the mozzerella cheese liberally.
Use sliced mozzerella instead of the shaved ones because the shaved ones contain more air than cheese. Just cover the whole pot with lots and lots of cheese.
Step 9: Bake it!
I baked it at about 200° for I don't know how long. Just bake it until the cheese is all melted and slightly browned then can remove it~
And then, tadah~
and it's ready to be served!
Okay, personally I think that I hadn't put enough cheese, and there's better to have a layer of parmesan in between the whole chunk of ingredients.
But it was still a very yummy yummy eat anyway.
I mean, just look at this...
Look at the cheesy sausage, then look at the cheesy sausage with potato, then look at the cheesy sausage with potato with tomato...
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