I found a pair of hotdog earring in my bathroom!
I think me and my sister bought them collectively some time ago at some fair thingie, we also bought a pair of some other food stuff, but I don't know where they are now.
Anyway, I took them out to photograph them and wanted to share them in my blog, and possibly also to model the earrings and see how a hotdog would look like on my ear. And then, after I got them out of the little plastic bag thingie holding them, they fell apart. The studs came unglued from the hotdog bit, and now I have two studs with nothing on them, and two little figurines of hotdogs. Thank you very much...
And I can't wear them anymore... Unless I somehow manage to find some strong glue to glue them back. Any suggestions?
hmm, i can fix it for you with my glue gun but i'm not sure if we'll get a chance to meet.
i live in bedok and if you're in the area i guess we can meet at a cafe or something and i glue it back for you.
hmm... i think i might try out with normal superglue first, less of a hassle... but thanks for offering to help~ i'll drop u a note if the superglue doesn't work ya...
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